Again let’s start the week with Ransomware

Ransomware you need a plan and to get you started I have written a Ransomware Primer for those of you with no plan or those of you who want to check your plan against my advice.

Ransomware – A Primer

My Ransomware Mini-series came to an end yesterday, with the tenth part being published on CyberAwake looking at what you need to do once the ransomware malware has been removed and you are back in business:

Ransomware Mini-Series (2023)

Ransomware: Is it a Threat? (Part 1)

A Bag of Spanners – Planning and Preparation (Part 2)

Minimise the Damage – Planning and Preparation (Part 3)

Detecting Ransomware (Part 4)

Ransomware – What Not To Do! (Part 5)

Ransomware – The Impact (Part 6)

You and a ransomware resilient back-up (Part 7)

Where do you keep that Incident Response Plan? (Part 8)

Before – Ransomware (Part 9)

After Ransomware (Part 10)

This is not the complete story…

This series is about 8000 words – not even the length of one of the end of module projects I had to write for my Masters degree – so it is not the whole story when it comes to dealing with ransomware. However it is meant to get you thinking and including several tips that if you do nothing else but implement them, you will be in a better position to deal with many types of cyber incidents, including ransomware.

One more thing…

Here is part 11.

Ransomware – The Triple Threat

Ransomware is always in the news. Whether it is an organisation trying to determine if it has been attacked and what information has been leaked:

Stanford University investigating cyberattack after ransomware claims (

Or the threat actors sending samples of stolen to innocent victims, in an attempt to get the hacked organisation to pay the ransom:

Hackers email stolen student data to parents of Nevada school district (

Although it seems in this case, the school forced the students to use their birthdays as passwords and this is a contributing factor to the attack.

Or an old ransomware gang has a relaunch, which is bad news for everyone:

New Hunters International ransomware possible rebrand of Hive (

Do you think you need a plan now?

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles