Fire Risk!

I get asked some strange cyber security questions. Such as “…why should I be bothered with MFA?” Find out the answer to that one this Thursday on Cyber Awake. “Do I really need to think about the paperwork my team leaves lying around our office?”. The answer to that one is here. To my team asking me “…how much coffee do I drink while doing my cyber security work?” Again I can answer that one quickly here.

Then occasionally there is a question that makes me think. Like this one, I got yesterday.

Hi Clive

I’m just revamping our Fire procedures…!

One of the queries is probably stupid but…

In the event of a fire alarm should we:

Lock computer screens

Grab any personal data that we may be using that is on a desk.

Obviously we don’t stop for personal belongings but what is the score with this? It did provoke a good debate in the office…!


The Cyber Security Head

My immediate thought was a cyber security response. Of course, lock the screens and leave… But…

Cyber Security and Risk

Then the rational head jumped in. Just get up and leave. All cyber security has to do with risk and the risk of being killed in a fire far outweighs any risk of data compromise. Done.

…well not quite… Let’s address the risk…

I did add a couple of sentences to the client’s Cyber Security Plan and the Fire Procedures to address this risk. There could be a raft of my client’s clients’ personal information, NI number, address, email, phone number, etc., etc., etc., exposed on the abandoned computers, and that needed addressing.

The Risk Answer

Sorry, but that is between myself and my clients. That is what they pay for.

If you need these types of answers available when you need them, then it is time we had a chat about how I can energise your cyber security stance.

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles

Further Reading

Where are the boundaries for your cyber security?

Practice Drinking Coffee* better known as Planning and Preparation


Featured Photo by Igor Haritanovich