More about passwords…

On Monday I ran a post about passkeys and the end of the password – but of course that is the future of cyber security, today we still depend on passwords. We all know a good password is a combination of upper and lower case letters with numbers and some special characters – but my Password Primer discussed basic password errors including using easily predicted patterns. Jesse La Grew has extended this and examined the number combinations people include in their passwords to add complication – and again it seems people are people and these are as predictable as 123!

Number Usage in Passwords – SANS Internet Storm Center

Your Takeaway from this

Simple have a written password policy and circulate my Password Primer article to all of your team (there we go something for free).

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles

Further Reading

Please Note:

I am on leave so the news this week is “in brief”. You can still contact me via the contact page and Octagon Technology.