Victims are just saying “No”

Research by Coveware has shown a significant drop in ransomware payments by victims.

New Ransomware Reporting Requirements Kick in as Victims Increasingly Avoid Paying (

The reasons for the drop are varied but one of the highlighted reasons is that more organisations have ransomware strategies in place and are prepared for the worst.

Do you have a ransomware plan?

Even if you do not have a plan, there is the legal responsibility to report this type of cyber attack to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), so there is the second entry to that invisible plan.

The first was probably panic!

Help is at hand

I have written a Ransomware Primer that can get you thinking along the right lines to create your plan or as a guide to check yur current plan against.

Or you can contact me for a chat – a short meeting online is usually free – unless of course you already have ransomware on your system!

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles

Further Reading