Email problems in the Channel Islands

Guernsey’s Data Protection Commissioner Brent Homan has published a report showing that the leaking of personal data on the island has risen.

More than 1,000 people affected by data breaches – BBC

The Office of the Data Protection Authority (ODPA) says over 1500 people have been impacted. The reported stated that “The majority of people affected were as a result of wayward emails containing personal information…”

The report aims to help organisations improve their preparedness for when things go wrong and also to reduce the likelihood of future breaches.

Your takeaway

I thought it was significant the report referred to “wayward emails”. What this probably means is that the organisations holding this sensitive data were not breached but instead a member of staff simply emailed the sensitive data out.

I can think of many things you need to check to make sure your organisation does not suffer “wayward emails”, but let’s start with the Principle of Least Privilege – I have an article about how this simple principle can safe guard your data.

The Principle of Least Privilege and Authentication, Authorisation and Accountability – A Primer

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles