Is my phone listening to me?

I have been asked this question many times and my normal response is yes – otherwise how does Siri and Google know when to respond when you want something. What people really want to know is my phone spying on me – and the probable answer to that is yes to some extent.

The privacy statements you have agreed to over the years and setting you have not changed from default will speak of “enhancing the user experience” or “personalising the app for you” et., etc., etc.. All this means is that you have allowed them to access some of your information for usually selling onto third parties for advertising purposes.

Now that last paragraph is a cynical paraphrasing of what the lawyers and marketing people have spent a long time crafting to maximise the profits of the different organisations they are beholden to.

Now that last paragraph may also sound cynical! However the services we enjoy on our phones is always going to a balance between functionality and privacy. A choice you have to make for yourself and if you do not understand those choices and do not seek help, then you are the marketing team’s dream user.

Here is an article by Thomas Claburn on The Register looking at just this type of privacy issue.

An attorney says she saw her library reading habits reflected in mobile ads. That’s not supposed to happen – The Register

The deep dive into the various privacy policies and terms of service is interesting as they could not find the culprit. But the bottom line it is too difficult to work out how targeted ads work.

So yes your phone may be listening to you.

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles