Android devices and cyber security

I have just started an IT and Cyber Security Audit for a client and we have barely started when the issue of mobile phone use has come up – because there are more cyber security risks with Android devices when compared to iOS devices.

Over 90 malicious Android apps with 5.5M installs found on Google Play – BleepingComputer

Most of this corrupted app software delivers malware and adware, but the Anatsa banking trojan warrants special attention when it comes to BYOD and your organisation. I will quote Bill Toulas’s article here:

Anatsa (aka “Teabot”) is a banking trojan that targets over 650 applications of financial institutions in Europe, the US, the UK, and Asia. It attempts to steal people’s e-banking credentials to perform fraudulent transactions.”

It steals banking credentials! Does your accountant or CFO have a banking app for your organisation on their Android phone, to make their life easier?

You don’t know?

Your takeaway

First stop thinking about phones as phones, but think of them as very powerful computers that hold and process sensitive information that belongs to your organisation, clients, suppliers and other stakeholders.

Second check. If you need help with this then here is the button to click on.

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles

Further Reading