Microsoft backs down…

Well it was pretty obvious that the outcry by cyber security and privacy experts around the world, against Microsoft’s proposal to include an automatic function to screenshot your computer every few seconds, to produce a searchable record of EVERYTHING you have done on your computer, was a bad idea.

Don’t worry said Microsoft, “It will be encrypted”. Well, it wasn’t encrypted whilst you were logged into your machine. You know the time when malware would be happily running in the background, downloading a complete record of your activity to the threat actor’s servers.

The feature – called Recall – has not gone away, instead it will be an opt-in feature. If you choose to opt-in, please contact me I have a bridge you may want to buy.

Microsoft backtracks on PC screenshot feature after outcry – BBC News

Just because it can be done, does not mean it should be done – Microsoft and any other clever developers out there.

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles

Further Reading

A feature no one asked for | Smart Thinking Solutions