Because It’s Friday – something smooth and hungry rabbits

We will start with something smooth. I am a regular viewer of Adam Savage’s YouTube channel and was reminded this week of a previous “Because It’s Friday” post that I thought was worth bringing forward in case you missed it first time round.

Adam – (Yes Mythbuster’s Adam) – discusses how the very first straight edge was created, without a straight edge! He also has the most incredible vice as a prop. Well worth a watch if you have not seen it.

If you have seen it…

Our son is a mathematician, so I am always on the lookout for maths jokes to send him and Randall Munroe, on came up with one this week. Just one of those little maths errors.

xkcd: Broken Model

Have a good weekend. I am on leave next week so there will be reduced news on here, Diana is in the office and she will be posting the big stories, but there will be a “Because It’s Friday” post next Friday.


Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles

Further Reading

xkcd on Smart Thinking Solutions

Photo by Mike Bird