Because It’s Friday – A Star Trek Story

I have two “Because It’s Friday” things for you today. The first is the continuing search for intelligent extra-terrestrial life:

How gravitational waves could help detect Star Trek-style warp drive spaceships – The Conversation

The second is from xkcd and is another maths joke. An occasional series I started because my son is a maths teacher with a Masters in maths and I share those posts with him. He then shares them with his maths friends and colleagues.

Storage Tanks: xkcd

I did not understands this one so I did not find it funny. On showing it to my son, he found it instantly funny and then explained it to me. To be honest I still do not find it funny.

If you do not understand it you will need a mathematician.

    Have a good weekend.


    Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles