A week later…

Last week was Microsoft’s September Patch Tuesday.

I am reminding you for two reasons. Some people will be having holidays now, because the schools have gone back – we are – which means those members of your team may not be fully patched yet. Check.

Better still have a system in placer that checks for you – like this:

The second reason for this reminder, is to emphasise that these cyber security patches – whatever manufacturer or vendor produces them – are important, because when a threat actor finds an unpatched vulnerability, they will exploit it. Like this one, which was being exploited, but has now been patched:

Microsoft confirms IE zero-day exploited in sneaky update • The Register

Cyber security patching is an important part of everyone’s cyber security plan.

You do have a cyber security plan? Don’t you?

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles

Further Reading