Zero-day vulnerabilities – it is a real threat

Each month when I write about Microsoft Patch Tuesday or Apple updates, in the Further Reading section I include a link to my article explaining why the Zero-day threat is a real risk every organisation or individual faces when it comes to cyber security.

Here is is again if you have not read it. The three articles will help you appreiate why this is a risk for your organisation.

Every month both Apple and Microsoft – and most of the other popular vendors that supply software you or your team use – report that they have patched Zero-day vulnerabilities but sometimes they are too late:

Firefox and Windows zero-days exploited by Russian RomCom hackers

Your Takeaway

Cyber security patches and updates for all your computers and other deivces are essential. Make sure everyone understands this and gets them done ASAP. If you need help with this then we have an inexpensive tool that can help. Get in contact for more information.

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles

Further Reading