“Scum keep databases of the people they’ve already skimmed”

I had to quote, Simon Sharwood, from The Register, as the headline for this article. He has written an excellent article on how organised threat actors keep records of who they have successfully attacked in the past, so they can go back and try again.

Scammers double-dip by offering help to recover from scams • The Register

Read it – it will make you really aware of the cyber security threat level and sophistication in 2024.

Your Takeaway

So this article is about domestic and personal cyber attacks by organised “scum”, but if the threat actors do that for these small gains, think what they will be doing to attack organisations with deeper pockets.

If you want to know how they can take advantage of your team, here are a couple of articles on how they do it:

Phishing Primer – Social Engineering (pt. 1)

Phishing Primer – Social Engineering (pt. 2)

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles

Further Reading