How much internet traffic is malicious?

Cloudflare, a company best known for protecting clients from various flavours of denial of service attacks, has done the research and calculated that 6.8% of all internet traffic is out to get you. This is an increase of last year’s findings.

Application Security report: 2024 update – Cloudflare

Cloudflare believes some of the key drivers for this increase in malicious activity on the web are elections and wars. It has been that attitudes towards both can be manipulated through internet content.

Another growth area is targeted attacks against known vulnerabilities in systems. From the moment a software flaw is known about, Cloudflare has seen threat actors exploit it in less than 22 minutes.

Another point in the report to note is that nearly a third of this malicious traffic is automated being produce by bots, working night and day.

Your Takeaway

If your team use the internet, then there is a lot of stuff out there, they may inadvertently let into your organisation. Get them (and you) some cyber security awareness training today.

Just one more thing… In my IT and Cyber Security Audit reports, I never suggest it is a good thing for staff to use company equipment for personal internet use.

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles

Further Reading

What is a denial of service attack? – Cloudflare

Photo by Mateusz Dach