Have you run your Windows updates? Holidays!

Last week was Microsoft’s Patch Tuesday so by now you should have done the updates. But if like me you have been away and your computer has not been switched on, then you have not yet patched your machine.

Microsoft updates are important – every update by every vendor is important – Microsoft produces a wide range of complicated software there will be flaws in it – always. Even if you are an exclusive Apple user – and I am not sure how you could be – you will be interacting with Microsoft systems, so you too have an interest in patched secure Microsoft products.

What kind of flaws are discovered in Microsoft products?

Bruce Schneier has a report on a flaw in the way Windows handles IPv6 network traffic:

New Windows IPv6 Zero-Click Vulnerability – Schneier on Security

There’s a patch for that!

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles