Tricky Android Malware

It is a while since I have highlighted Android malware – TrickMo attracted my attention for the simplicity of just imitating lock screens to steal your information.

TrickMo malware steals Android PINs using fake lock screen (

But the malware does not stop there it among the malicious tasks it undertakes are, intercepting one-time passwords, screen recording, data exfiltration, remote control etc..

Do any of your team use an Android device as a BYOD device?

Your Takeaway

I am writing a series on BYOD at the moment (part 3 is here with links to parts 1 and 2) and I will be covering using Android devices and the security of your organisation’s information later in the series. I have also discussed these issues in this primer:

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles