Check your Let’s Encrypt certificate

SSL/TLS certificates are an essential part of the security of communications across the internet. Read how important they are here:

Is that website secure? – #BeCyberSmart – Smart Thinking Solutions

Website security either some people just don’t get it or they cannot be bothered! – Smart Thinking Solutions

Website security – Smart Thinking Solutions

Now the free certificate supplier Let’s Encrypt are revoking about 1% of their current certificates for irregularities in the code implementation.

2022.01.25 Issue with TLS-ALPN-01 Validation Method – Incidents – Let’s Encrypt Community Support (

Let’s Encrypt to revoke about 2 million HTTPS certificates • The Register

Check with your hosting supplier whether this impacts you and what actions they are taking to mitigate this issue.

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles

At Octagon they have a small number of users who for reasons of historical inertia are still using Let’s Encrypt certificates and their team are fixing the problem. However, recently the hosting team had taken a decision to stop using Let’s Encrypt free certificates and more all their clients onto paid certificates.