British government quietly drops a requirement for mass surveillance of UK citizens by their ISPs

The headline really says it all.

Here is another example of the UK Government trying to control the internet and encroach on our privacy, by law, and failing. When they should be remembering Magna Carta which established the principles of due process and getting the police to investigate when a crime is suspected. And when I say the police should investigate I do not mean the government should away with end to end encryption to make the police job easier!

DCMS launches public consultation on telco security • The Register

As ever my position is you (and me) need to look at all sides of these arguments and make our own minds up. Here is the UK Government consultation page on the telcoms bill.

Proposal for new telecoms security regulations and code of practice – GOV.UK (

The UK Government has another law in draft at this time – The Online Safety Bill – it has good parts but it also has bad parts, especially as it wants to get rid of our right to have private and secure communications. Have a look at these articles and see what your opinion is?

Online Safety Bill articles (Smart Thinking Solutions)

Online Safety Bill publications – Parliamentary Bills – UK Parliament

Draft Online Safety Bill (Joint Committee) – Summary – Committees – UK Parliament

Draft Online Safety Bill – GOV.UK (

Smart Thinking Solutions supports this UK Government initiative:

Let’s stop abuse together – Stop Abuse Together (

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles