Ben, one of the team at Octagon, had a an article out yesterday describing their advanced threat protection solutions: Advanced Threat Protection – Octagon Technology
Time and security
A few weeks ago I was interested in a YouTube video about a highly accurate time card for PCs that would give better performance for the machines and could be used to enhance security. Just in time! – Octagon Technology Very accurate time is important for many security protocols and …
Website security
It does not seem that long ago that Google forced a flurry of people needing SSL security certificates for their websites, when they announced they would favour secure websites in their search results – no one wanted to be left out. I even added one to my personal blog – …
You can take all the defensive steps you can think of then there is a Zero-Day!
A zero-day attack refers to the gap between the “secret” launch of a cyber attack and the subsequent discovery of the attack and mitigation being available. In this gap your defences have not yet been updated because your security vendor is unaware there is problem. Your systems a laid bare …
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Crypto-currency is illegal!
A couple of years back when I was studying for my cyber security MSc, China and Iceland were two of the countries where the highest amount bitcoin crypto-currency mining was being carried out. As discussed elsewhere this level of activity has serious implications for energy consumption and the production of …