Back to space this week for Because It’s Friday. Over the 32 years in space the NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope has taken over 1.5m observations. Someone has to choose the best. Watch Dr Ken Carpenter get excited over this amazing image of the Carina Nebula. The image at the top …
The Electronic Frontier Foundation comments on the latest Apple privacy improvements
The Electronic Frontier Foundation advocates on online privacy and freedoms – here is what it has to say on Apple’s latest announcements: VICTORY! Apple Commits to Encrypting iCloud, Drops Phone-Scanning Plans | Electronic Frontier Foundation (
Apple has updates across all devices and operating systems – check
It’s Microsoft Patch Tuesday but first Apple. SANS Internet Storm Diary has a comprehensive report of the range of Apple updates: Apple Updates Everything – SANS Internet Storm Center Here is the Apple release page: Apple security updates – Apple Support They should be automatic – but you never know …
Continue reading “Apple has updates across all devices and operating systems – check”
White Hat Hacking Competition
The white hat hacking competition Pwn2Own Toronto 2022 has revealed 63 zero-day flaws, that were there to be exploited by black hat hackers if they found them first, and collected nearly a million dollars in bounties: Hackers earn $989,750 for 63 zero-days exploited at Pwn2Own Toronto ( A good news …
Today is Ada Lovelace’s Birthday
Ada Lovelace was born, today in 1815 and her contributions to technology, computing and coding are still recognised today. Ada is celebrated each year on the second Tuesday of October with Ada Lovelace Day. The day was founded in the United Kingdom in 2009 by Suw Charman-Anderson on the second …