I was wrong – there is a “good news” Twitter story – three of them

Zoe Kleinman the Technology editor over at BBC Tech News has interviewed three women for whom Twitter has been a positive force in their lives. One found love, and one turned a passion into a business and the other started a campaign: Twitter: Romance, business and campaigns born on the …

Because It’s Friday – Something a bit different this week

I often mention the UK Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) in posts – it is part of the UK’s intelligence service and is involved in cyber security. Their site in Cheltenham is well known for its distinctive “doughnut” shaped building. I took the photo above, last week whilst walking out near …

NCSC is scanning the internet for the UK’s cyber security readiness

…winged ninja cyber monkeys… Dr Ian Levy from the National Cyber Security Centre The title is a bit odd, but the article by Ian Levy from the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) does an excellent job of explaining why the NCSC is now scanning the internet looking for vulnerabilities in …