I have highlighted many scams that attempt to take advantage of the victims of tragedies or exploit those who wish to help – and Hurricane Ian is no exception. Here is the advice from CISA: Hurricane-Related Scams | CISA Only donate through recognised charity web sites not via emails or …
VPNs are an important part of any cyber security plan
The moment you step outside your secure office and want to work – or you need anonymity on the internet – a VPN is your go to solution for privacy and security. I have written an article for the blog on our cyber awareness and online training site CyberAwake looking …
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Because It’s Friday – Happy International Coffee Day
Let me be the first to wish you a Happy International Coffee Day, for tomorrow. It’s a real thing, I have not dreamed it: International Coffee Day – Wikipedia Here is why coffee always generates good ideas and the solution to many an IT or cyber security job: Wally’s Coffee …
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Mass spamming starts with no MFA and credential stuffing
Microsoft has been monitoring and seeing an increase in attacks using malicious OAuth applications, installed on compromise cloud servers that then facilitate mass spamming from Exchange Online servers. Malicious OAuth applications abuse cloud email services to spread spam – Microsoft Security Blog The attack started with the threat actor launching …
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Because It’s Friday – Queen Elizabeth II and Technology
Because it does not always need to be serious cyber security articles. Get your coffee and doughnuts out. Here are a couple of articles about Queen Elizabeth II and her relationship with technology. How the Queen embraced technology during her reign | Queen Elizabeth II | The Guardian Queen Elizabeth …
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