Last week I wrote about the paperwork associated with a well-run BYOD project and policy. Although I spoke about paperwork in reality – except for that copy on the office shelf – the paperwork is probably just a collection of M365 and PDF files, saved in the cloud. However, sometimes …
Your BYOD Policy – Keeping the Paperwork Straight (pt.6)
So, you have decided that Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) is something that you can work with – rather than something that is just happening around you. You have sat down and thought about what could be done on your employees’ devices to improve the operations, to make life easier …
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IT and Cyber Security Audit
Many business owners are uncertain about what is involved in an IT and Cyber Security Audit or whether it is even necessary, particularly if their business is small. Value for money is crucial, and an audit can seem expensive. However, no business is too small to be a target for …
Two Russia Stories
The first article is about a Russian threat group – NoName057(16) – which has claimed it launched a number of DDoS attacks again UK local government websites: Pro-Russia hackers claim Greater Manchester council cyber attacks – BBC News The affected councils have reported that the functionality of their websites suffered …
Something a bit different
Johannes Ullrich who writes for Sans Internet Storm – I often quote his work here on Smart Thinking – lives in a part of America which recently has suffered several hurricanes. We talk about preparing for business continuity here – Johannes has written about it when you have to cope …