I was wondering what to write about this week for “The Wednesday Bit” – I knew it was not going to be passwords. I have had enough of that! I got started on a spin-off topic from an IT and Cyber Security Audit I am running at the moment about …
Do you have an incident response plan?
Cyber Attack on the British Library. At the moment a spokes person for the British Library is reporting this as a “cyber incident” that took place over the weekend. The authorities, including the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) are investigating. There are no details at the moment as to whether …
On the day I run a password primer this is in the news…
Over 40,000 admin portal accounts use ‘admin’ as a password It seems even administrators need to read my password primer. Back to Basics – A Password Primer
Your smartphone and updates
In most cases we all spend quite a bit money on our phones – Diana will tell you I spend too much! But whatever we spend, we all have an expectation of them lasting a number of years. However, when is a smartphone worn out? When the battery is no …
Cyber Criminals will attack and exploit anything and anyone!
I often refer to threat actors and hackers here on Smart Thinking and in other cyber security article I write for other outlets, however these are useful terms but in reality I am writing about cyber criminals. These cyber criminals operate indiscriminately in a globally connected environment and they have …
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