Cyber Security Awareness Training

Have you read this?

Cyber Security Awareness Training – Why?

So now we have convinced you that you need to train your team.  What comes next?

Smart Thinking with Octagon Technology offer a range of ways to consume our Social Engineering and Phishing Email Cyber Security Training:

Your Own Teams Option

We can deliver the training to an individual company via Teams. This has the advantage that the content and discussion can include some very specific company examples that you would not want discussed in a public session, so making your people extra prepared for combating spam. We will video this for you – so when you have new starters they can catch up.

The Video Option

You can purchase a video of the standard presentation for use within your organisation, including notes, and have a one hour online group discussion meeting with me to ask questions and discuss your particular issues.

The Shared Teams Option

We run the training session online and the attendees (up to twenty) are from a variety of organisations and companies. This format is less private so you may not want to discuss your issue in open forum – but you can contact me via Teams with your “secret” question after the meeting. We do not video these sessions.

The “At Your Own Pace” Option

We have an online course, made up of a series of “coffee break” consumable videos with short online tests. This course includes a bonus section on passwords and MFA. (Don’t worry though, if you would like me to add passwords and MFA to any of the above options, just ask). This option is purchased per user but can be completed at their own pace.

The Live Option

We can still run the training on your site. We need a room big enough, a wall or screen that I can use for my projector or your own projector set-up, power and coffee! Depending on where you are there may be travel and hotel charges.

The real advantage of this type of training is that it can run all day with sessions for different departments within your organisation covering their particular risks.

Your next action

Because you need to take a positive step in combating email phishing and cyber crime, click on this button and we will contact you quicker than your next bit of spam arrives.

Photo by Fox