Credential leaks

It is always an issue when websites lose control of your credentials – it is a real worry when it is a site used by cyber security professionals. Credentials Leaks on VirusTotal – San Internet Storm Centre

Ransomware gang member extradited

An suspected member of the REvil gang has been extradited to the United States and charged with being involved with ransomware attacks against 10 US organisations. Alleged REvil suspect extradited and arraigned on ransomware spree charges – The Register

So you have turned off cookie tracking – here is how unscrupulous websites circumvent that – and a possible solution

Brave Browser logo

I am sure you, like me, have disabled cookie tracking in all your browsers. However I am always wary of a software solution, as someone will always write code to circumvent the solution and of course that is what unscrupulous websites have done to re-enable third party tracking cookies on …