Did the Polish government use Pegasus?

Poland and Pegasus

The Guardian has an article investigating the claim that the Polish government has used the Pegasus spyware against its opposition. There have been calls for an investigation by the opposition leader Donald Tusk. Claims Polish government used spyware is ‘crisis for democracy’, says opposition | Poland | The Guardian

Software abuse at source

Hackers are abusing the MSBuild environment to embedded malicious code into applications to evade detection. Attackers are abusing MSBuild to evade defences and implant Cobalt Strike beacons – SANS Internet Storm Centre

Enter Octagon’s Wheel of Christmas today – and be entered for the Grand Draw

Octagon's Wheel of Christmas

December 24th Grand Prize Draw  This is the prize in the Grand Draw. A recording of the Smart Thinking Solutions “Email and Social Engineering” webinar and the accompanying slides.   The prize will also include a one-hour online session with Clive to discuss any issues arising from the presentation and to ask any other questions you may have about cyber security.  The …