Octagon’s 365R service addresses flexible working cybersecurity issues for organisations

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That is a bit of a mouthful of a headline – not as good as “Snack Attack!” but it does explain this post. This article from Tech Republic outlines clearly the challenges to all business working in the new flexible work space. Remote work causing security issues for system and …

More phishing email threats in the wild – health check your technical cyber security defences

The SANS Internet Storm diary is reporting a new wave of the Agent Tesla, information stealing, Trojan. JavaScript Downloader Delivers Agent Tesla Trojan – SANS Internet Storm Diary More evidence you need to keep your technical defences up to date. Octagon Technology has a range of managed services and advanced …

You must do this if you use Microsoft 365

Looking at an ransomware encrypted laptop

Do you want more security from ransomware? Michael, one of the support team over at Octagon Technology has written about one of the often overlooked steps by user of Microsoft 365. Microsoft 365 Security – Octagon Technology You should also look at their Pick-up and Go solution – 365R.