Android 13 privacy settings

Following yesterday’s story that threat actors have already compromised Android 13’s security setting, here is a good news story about how Android 13 with help protect your privacy: The Android 13 Privacy Settings You Should Update Now | WIRED UK

Android malware has already circumvented new OS security features

Android devices

Threat actors invest time and effort into beating security measures, especially when the targets are so profitable. Android users have proven to be lucrative targets: Malware devs already bypassed Android 13’s new security feature ( Make sure you have policies and procedures in place if your team are BYODing Android …

Advice from the National Cyber Security Centre and the UK Government – actions to take when the cybersecurity risk is high (Russia Ukraine Conflict) – UPDATED 2 May 2023

cyber security logo

This post was originally made on 2 March 2022. It will be updated as the Russian Ukraine Conflict develops and will highlight the cyber security issues facing organisations and individuals at this time. The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) is advising all UK organisations to review and improve their cyber …

How secure is open source software? Do you use open source software or have software written for you? If so read on… UPDATED

software code

When we undertake any cyber security survey, and we ask about software, we know the greatest amount of work we will have to do, is when the client says “we had this written for us” or we use this “open source software”. (We will not get into Android apps or …