The US government Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) is one of the resources we use both here and at Octagon Technology to keep up with systems that need patching because of vulnerabilities. I have been out of the office a lot recently, my team have been monitoring for our …
Does the Apple Private Wi-Fi work at last?
One of the fixes supplied in last week’s Apple iOS update was to finally fix the Private Wi-Fi Address function. This option spoofs the devices MAC on each Wi-Fi network it joins and obscures the user’s identity. The MAC is usually the same on every network any device joins and …
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iOS and macOS cough up your passwords…
Researchers have created a lightweight, practical method of forcing Apple’s flagship operating systems to give up any passwords stored in them. Hackers can force iOS and macOS browsers to divulge passwords and much more | Ars Technica The attack called iLeakage is only an experiment and an academic paper at …
Apple Patches
It is not Microsoft’s Patch Tuesday but Apple’s Patch Everything Day. IN among the security ifs and maybes is a xero-day patch that is being actively exploited. Apple security releases – Apple Support These patches are for: Get the patches done and check everyone in your organisation is getting them …
Here is something to read on Saturday morning over coffee – Apple’s move to USB C. Renaud Foucart, a Senior Lecturer in Economics at Lancaster University Management School, Lancaster University has written about several aspects of the change including “green washing” and “follow the money”. Apple has switched from its …