Time to make your mind up about Kaspersky the Russian security software. There is a lack of trust? UPDATED 26 March 2022

This article was first posted on 16 March 2022 Updated 26 March 2022 The United States Federal Communications Commission has added Kaspersky to the list of suppliers it considers poses an unacceptable risk to US national security – this list includes Huawei and ZTE. Kaspersky software was already banned from …

How much do cyber criminals make? (Part 2). Lapsus$ leader arrested in Oxford.

$14m according to the City of London Police. The City of London Police are investigating a teenager, who is accused of being a leader in the notorious Lapsus$ cyber crime gang – they refuse to confirm or deny that they have arrested him. Lapsus$: Oxford teen accused of being multi-millionaire …

The most feared Russian cyber attacks. What should be your first two steps in defending against them if they spread to you?

Octagon Technology Backup Standard World Back-up Day

Included on this list from the BBC is the WannaCry ransomware, that hit the NHS in 2017 – so we all know how much chaos that can spread. Since 2017 the sophistication of the cyber criminal gangs and the malware they are using has increased. The three Russian cyber-attacks the …