NCSC: UK organisations should act amidst heightened tensions – free support available


UPDATED 25 February 2022: UK organisations should act amidst heightened tensions – NCSC.GOV.UK The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) is advising all UK organisations to review and improve their cyber security resilience following the high profile actions in and around the Ukraine over past months. Press Release on current Ukraine …

There will be a lot of this – More Russia Ukraine conflict cyber attacks – UK government warns businesses, organisations and individuals to be alert

email cyber attacks

The Guardian and the BBC are reporting a sharp increase in cyber warfare activity – with a particular type of “computer wiper” malware among the attacks unleashed at Ukraine. Russia unleashed data-wiper malware on Ukraine, say cyber experts | Ukraine | The Guardian Ukraine crisis: ‘Wiper’ discovered in latest cyber-attacks …

Increase today in attack attempts against WordPress sites

WordPress website claim

With the rapidly changing political situation around the world organisations have a responsibility to make sure their cyber security house is in order. Ukraine-Russia invasion: Russia launches attack on Ukraine from several fronts – BBC News This applies to all the systems and software you use – check now. WordPress …

Pegasus not used unlawfully – according to Israeli government enquiry

The Israeli government, following an enquiry, has found that the use of Pegasus against it’s own citizens, who were not suspects in any criminal case, was not illegal. I wonder how many other countries, in that situation would return the same result? Police use of Pegasus malware not illegal, Israeli …