Bad laws will only give a political sticky plaster to the technologically uninformed

I am sure it is situations like this that motivates the good politicians to back the Government’s draft Online Safety Bill. Metaverse app allows kids into virtual strip clubs – BBC News But in reality, as someone who has been in technology for many years, I cannot see how their …

82% of Companies pay ransomware demands to get their data back – only 4% got it back – now sign up for our Cyber Security Master Class

fight back get trained

The UK Government discourages organisations, hit by ransomware, from paying cyber criminals to get their information back. But we all knew it was happening. I was at a talk last week by Bruce Schneier, where he spoke about US companies keeping quiet about cyber-attacks if they could, even though in …

Because it’s Friday – the first images from the James Webb Telescope and something funny about printers

This came out a few hours after I posted last week’s Because it’s Friday, but I could not miss out – so here it is just a week late! For an excellent explanation why there are 18 stars in the image have a look at NASA’s video: Featured image …