Satellite cyber-attacks, WhisperGate, AcidRain and the spread of the Russia Ukraine cyber conflict

Statements have been made this week by the European Union, the United States and other allies relating the WhisperGate cyber attacks that were directed at Ukraine but spilled over into the greater Europe damaging thousands of modems. This damage had the knock on effect of crippling wind turbines and subsequent …


No Spam

There has been a big increase in spam because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Here is a radio programme going into the history, background and modern use of Spam. Not quite what you expect…

Remember “Scammers are always out there looking for their next victim”


This is a constant problem – scammers contacting people, usually by phone, offering a service or stating that the victim’s computer is infected by a virus, often claiming to be from Microsoft. Once the scammer establishes “trust” they then offer to remote into or screen share to the victim’s computer, …