New ransomwareattacks following the leak of LockBit software by a hacker insider

I reported on the information leak that LockBit suffered when one of the hacker developers has a spat and leaked the software code. Security software vendors would have been checking out this code to improve their defences but there was also the opportunity for less experienced hackers to improve their …

‘Metador’ a new cyber security threat

Bleeping Computers is reporting on the discovery of a new cyber-criminal gang, Metador, who have apparently been infiltrating ISPs, telecos and universities for the last two years: New hacking group ‘Metador’ lurking in ISP networks for months ( The group have been involved in some complex operations using Windows and …

Are you SQL servers secure? What, you do not know if you use SQL servers!

Many office and web based applications, both commercial and bespoke use SQL servers of varying flavours – you or your cyber security consultant should know if your organisation is dependent on a Microsoft SQL server and what actions have been taken to protect it. Here is the threat, ransomware targeting …