Here is Bleeping Computer’s article looking at the Moobot botnet that is attacking vulnerable D-Link hardware: Moobot botnet is coming for your unpatched D-Link router ( Updates to fix this issue have been released by D-Link, just get them done.
Phishing attacks will become easier for the threat actors and harder for you defend against
There is no doubt that threat actors are becoming more organised, with skilled organisations, not only carrying out attacks, but suppling highly capable hacking tools to less skilled organisations – fo a cut of the illicit profits: New EvilProxy service lets all hackers use advanced phishing tactics ( This one …
More malware lurking in the Google Play Store
You need to keep any credentials you have secret, they are you method of authentication so you can prove beyond a doubt who you are to your bank, Microsoft 365, to Amazon etc. (Have a look at this post on CyberAwake to see how authentication fits into your cyber security …
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This time there is more of a security issue with iOS rather than Android
Usually when I am discussing smartphone app security, Apple iOS has an advantage over Android apps, because of it’s curated App store that stops (most) of the security issues from getting through to the end user’s devices. Now researchers have discovered Amazon Web Service credentials hard coded, by careless developers …
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Another Google Chrome zero-day patch released
I have just spotted this – it is Saturday – but I thought I would put it quickly, up as many people depend on Google Chrome for shopping, banking etc: Google Chrome emergency update fixes new zero-day used in attacks ( This impacts the Windows, Mac, and Linux versions, is …
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