Threat actors have to host their malicious login stealing pages somewhere – why not in Amazon’s cloud: Hiding a phishing attack behind the AWS cloud
FBI Credential Stuffing warning
The reuse of password by users is still probably the most common cyber security mistake organisations and individuals make – making a credential stuffing attacks profitable for threat actors. Once a threat actor has gathered their lists of credentials then they – or rather their automated tools will attempt to …
WordPress hack
Many of us use WordPress for our web sites – if you do not know what your web designer is using for you website, then you have a cyber security issue, and you or your cyber security consultant should get in contact with your web designer ASAP. Here is one …
Tourist rebound after COVID-19 is an obvious target for phishing attacks
Research company Proofpoint, has shown that the threat actor, tracked as TA558, has increased it’s phishing campaigns targeted at hotel and travel companies, to coincide with the rapid increase in foreign travel as the pandemic decreases. Hackers target hotel and travel companies with fake reservations ( Threat actors are always …
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Let’s talk about passwords again. Complex is king.
Passwords are still an important part of everyone’s cybersecurity, whilst we wait for the passwordless society to come round. Here is a weekend read from Bleeping Computers looking at password strength: Cyber Awake | Train Your Team To Protect Against Cyber Attacks(opens in a new tab) The Benefits of Making …
Continue reading “Let’s talk about passwords again. Complex is king.”