And we thought blocking Microsoft Office macros was a good idea – but close one door to the threat actors and of course they find another way to get to you…

Research is showing that with Microsoft now blocking Office VBA macros from the internet, threat actors are moving to other attachments that can execute malicious instructions, such as Windows Shortcut .lnk, .iso and .rar. As Microsoft blocks Office macros, hackers find new attack vectors ( My advice: Make sure your …

Advice from the National Cyber Security Centre and the UK Government – actions to take when the cybersecurity risk is high (Russia Ukraine Conflict) – UPDATED 2 May 2023

cyber security logo

This post was originally made on 2 March 2022. It will be updated as the Russian Ukraine Conflict develops and will highlight the cyber security issues facing organisations and individuals at this time. The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) is advising all UK organisations to review and improve their cyber …

How secure is open source software? Do you use open source software or have software written for you? If so read on… UPDATED

software code

When we undertake any cyber security survey, and we ask about software, we know the greatest amount of work we will have to do, is when the client says “we had this written for us” or we use this “open source software”. (We will not get into Android apps or …