I have discussed your organisation’s information on an employee’s mobile phone as part of my Devices and Cyber Security Primer – and a BYOD policy is something, I find most organisations have. However, I have also found it is also one of the most ignored policies. This is why it …
Not CrowdStrike – Kombat Hamsters
Not all the news this week is going to be about a global company messing up their updates! Threat actors are always looking for the quickest and easiest way to reach the greatest number of victims – that is how their “business model” works! So exploiting a game with 250 …
Devices and Cyber Security – A Primer
I have written a number of articles over the past few weeks about how organisations need to be thinking about theirs’s and their employee’s devices and cyber security. Device Security (Pt. 1) Device Security (Pt. 2) Device Security Just One More Thing… When hardware reaches EOL – Device Security These …
Device Security
Today I have published the first part of a two-part article on device security over on CyberAwake. This is something many organisations skip over, if they have implemented a password policy and MFA! Device Security (Pt. 1) – CyberAwake Often the reluctance to take action is because they are concerned …
Let’s finish the week with some Android malware
You have to exercise some control of any Android devices that your team are using for “BYOD”. At the very least educate them in the risk of Android apps even if they are downloaded from the Google Play Store. Rogue apps do get through: Apps with 1.5M installs on Google …
Continue reading “Let’s finish the week with some Android malware”