Advice from the National Cyber Security Centre and the UK Government – actions to take when the cybersecurity risk is high (Russia Ukraine Conflict) – UPDATED 2 May 2023

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This post was originally made on 2 March 2022. It will be updated as the Russian Ukraine Conflict develops and will highlight the cyber security issues facing organisations and individuals at this time. The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) is advising all UK organisations to review and improve their cyber …

What is the UK’s official response to Chinese cyber aggression?

Well according to report by the House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee it is “incoherent and muted”: Encoding values: Putting tech at the heart of UK foreign policy – Foreign Affairs Committee ( Then there was this from last week: UK response to Chinas tech push ‘incoherent and muted’ • …

MI5 and the FBI warn about the cyber threat posed by China

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Ken McCallum, the MI5 director general and Christopher Wray, the FBI director have delivered a joint statement at the MI5 building in London, warning that China is carrying out economic espionage and hacking operations to steal technology for competitive gain. “We consistently see that it’s the Chinese government that poses …