I have written another article on our Cyber Security Awareness Training site, CyberAwake, looking at another aspect of password – in this case how sharing credentials can seriously compromise your cyber security: Credential Sharing and Passwordless – CyberAwake
Practice Drinking Coffee* better known as Planning and Preparation
Sorry, this is not a coffee* appreciation article it is an article about planning and preparation for an incident. Planning and Preparation = Good Governance Businesses and organisations need a cyber security policy and a plan covering what they do to mitigate the risk of an incident and what they …
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JD Sports hit by a cyber incident
The sportswear company JD Sports is reporting that potentially the data it held on over 10 million customers may have been accessed in a cyber attack: JD Sports says 10 million customers hit by cyber attack. – BBC News The issues covers several of the company’s brands: JD Sports is …
A hack and some good planning
Planet Ice – operators of an ice rink in Bristol – have been hacked and customer data has been compromised. That is the bad news. The good news is – and I am going to say here that Planet Ice planned this, but I have no evidence, just the benefit …
Five simple steps
This is an excellent article by Vasu Jakkal, Corporate Vice President, Security, Compliance, Identity, and Management at Microsoft looking at five simple steps any organisation should consider making to improve their cyber security: 5 ways Microsoft helps block threats – Microsoft Security Blog It looks at patches, credentials, monitoring, passwords …