The Conti cyber-crime gang has featured in many of my blog post – they have been a prolific perpetrator of some of the worse cyber attacks. Now researchers are reporting that much of their illicit infrastructure has closed down: Notorious cybercrime gang Conti ‘shuts down,’ but its influence and talent …
VMWare is a real cyber security issue – fix it or get rid of it CISA warns
This is pretty simple – do you use VMWare if so get it patched or change it. The Spring Cloud framework vulnerability is proving a honey pot for attackers. CISA issues directive for exploited VMware bug after IR team deployed to ‘large’ org – The Record by Recorded Future Patch …
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The Conti Gang and Costa Rica
The Conti gang is demanding a $20m (£16m) ransom, after the hackers compromised up to 27 government organisations including state run utilities. Rodrigo Chaves, The president of Costa Rica, says his country is “at war” with the Conti Gang, which is thought to be run from Russia. President Rodrigo Chaves …
More on Bumblebee malware – detailed attack examination
Following the emergence of Bumblebee malware as a significant threat, SANS INternet Storm has a post looking at the function of the malware and transferring ISO files. Bumblebee Malware from TransferXL URLs – SANS Internet Storm Centre This is an excellent post by Brad and not only shows you the …
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Make money fast – the classic social engineering phishing campaign
I try and highlight the variety of social engineering phishing emails doing the rounds as awareness among your people about the ways they are having their trust exploited, when they check their email, is essential for them to beat the threat actors. Here is another one taken apart by the …
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