Weekly Threat Report 8th April 2022 – NCSC.GOV.UK
Malware in the wild – in an Excel file sent out by email. Could you spot it?
Here is a classic phishing email attack – millions of potential emails could contain this, could you spot it? It also includes the dreaded “Enable Macro” request. Windows MetaStealer Malware – Sans Internet Storm Centre Windows MetaStealer Malware – SANS Internet Storm Center
Bank that lacked basic security suffers predictable fate • The Register Where have these people been living – under a stone! Andra Pradesh Mahesh Co-Operative Urban Bank – 45 branches, holding money that people entrusted to them.
Even the world’s biggest companies get suckered by social engineering
Both Apple and Meta were the victims of social engineering scams that caused them to simply giveaway user personal information. I am not going to call this sophisticated – actually it was quite simple – the cyber criminals, studied how an Emergency Data Requests (EDR) operated and then spoofed that …
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Teenagers broke through the cybersecurity of some of the world’s biggest companies
UK teenagers charged over Lapsus$ gang membership. Lapsus$: Two UK teenagers charged with hacking for gang – BBC News This extortion gang has been responsible for some of the most high profile cyber security breaches in recent months: Lapsus$ ransomware gang at Smart Thinking Solutions