Rompetrol operators of Romania’s largest oil refinery and Fill&Go petrol stations has suffered a serious cyber attack which has also hit their websites. Hive ransomware gang targets Romanian oil firm in its latest cyberattack – The Record by Recorded Future Ransomware recovery without paying – Smart Thinking Solutions
Ransomware gang hits targets in the US
The Ragnar Locker cyber criminals is reported by the FBI to have hit over 50 critical infrastructure organizations across the US. Sectors hit include finance, Government agencies, manufacturing production and ICT and tech companies. Ragnar Locker ransomware hits critical infrastructure • The Register
There is no “one sentence solution” for defending yourself or your organisation against cyber attacks via email
The reason a “single sentence solution” is no defence is that the cyber criminals have exploited the natural human tendency to trust.
The new Cyber War
Joyce Hakmeh and Esther Naylor at The Guardian have written an opinion piece about the cyber security experts who have moved from a “virtual cold war” to being combatants in a “virtual hot war”. How the tech community has rallied to Ukraine’s cyber-defence | Joyce Hakmeh and Esther Naylor | …
More bad news for Nvidia – and advice for them (and you) on risk and mitigation – updated
This post was originally published on 5 March 2022 In the among the data recently stolen from Nvidia, a certificate has been found that can be used to sign malware aimed at Windows machines. What this means is the software will be exploiting the built in “trust” that Microsoft and …