Snack Attack!


Sorry about the headline by as crisp and snack producer KP is reporting it has been hit with a ransomware cyber security incident – I could not resist it. KP Snacks hack prompts supplies warning – BBC News There may be a shortage of your favourite snack!

Log4j exploits and behind the scenes with the Apache patching team

Here is an interesting article from the team at Apache dealing with patching the Log4j problem: The Apache Log4j team talks about the Log4Shell patching process – The Record by Recorded Future But the exploits in the wild are still happening: Threat actor target Ubiquiti network appliances using Log4Shell exploits …

Cyber attack impacts German fuel supplies

Oiltanking Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG, a major player in the infrastructure of oil supplies in German discovered the cyber security breach on Saturday. Cyber-attack strikes German fuel supplies – BBC News Cyberattack hits German service station provider • The Register

“Patch Now” advised – more on the Linux vulnerabilities

software patches are essential cybersecurity

TechRepublic has another article on Linux vulnerabilities that need to be addressed: Patch now: A newly discovered critical Linux vulnerability probably affects your systems | TechRepublic Linux servers – so you think this is not your problem? – Smart Thinking Solutions Twelve-Year-Old Linux Vulnerability Discovered and Patched – Schneier on …