Do you know what “intermittent encryption” is? The ransomware gangs do and they are using it to avoid your detection.

Intermittent encryption is a recently detected method of obscuring malware from anti-virus software and other detection methods. It is not encryption of whole files, byte encryption of bytes within the malware. Research by SentinelOne has shown this evasion technique is being deployed by ransomware gangs in the wild: Crimeware Trends …

Cybercrime report from HP Wolf Security

This is an interesting report from HP’s cyber security division: The Evolution of Cybercrime: Why the Dark Web is Supercharging the Threat Landscape and How to Fight Back | HP Wolf Security Something to read over coffee. HP-Wolf-Security-Evolution-of-Cybercrime-Report.pdf

Another phishing gang broken up by international co-operation – but there will still be more phishing attacks…

Working together is one of the best ways to beat the threat actors. Europol has had another success in closing down a phishing gang, arresting suspects and seizing assets: Phishing gang behind several million euros worth of losses busted in Belgium and the Netherlands | Europol ( Phishing and social …

I had to run this one at a weekend – a ransomware gang that demands good deeds not cryptocurrency – have a read

This is not a joke – it is not April 1. The GoodWill ransomware group, demands such good deeds as donating blankets to people on the street or taking disserving children to fast food restaurants as a treat! To prove the victims have carried out their good deeds they must …