UN Cybercrime treaty

Negotiations are underway, at the United Nations, for a comprehensive international treaty to combat cyber crime and increase the co-operation between nations when it comes to investigations. However there are starting to be concerns that the treaty may end up breaking hard earned privacy rights of the individual law abiding …

Remember “Scammers are always out there looking for their next victim”


This is a constant problem – scammers contacting people, usually by phone, offering a service or stating that the victim’s computer is infected by a virus, often claiming to be from Microsoft. Once the scammer establishes “trust” they then offer to remote into or screen share to the victim’s computer, …

The cost of cyber crime. There is still time to register for our Business Cyber Security Master Class on Monday


Just a quick bit of advertising here – our next Business Cyber Security Master Class starts on Monday, and we could still squeeze in one or two extra business owners or managers who want a better overview of business cyber security. Business cyber security – Masterclass – Octagon Technology Is …