When you improve your defences – the hackers change their tactics

Patches and Updates

Following up on the two articles I posted yesterday, to give you an awareness of the threat landscape, here are two articles discussing how that landscape is constantly changing. Criminals adopting new methods to bypass improved defenses • The Register Cybercriminals are finding new ways to target cloud environments | …

Global co-operation brings down a giant cyber-criminal website selling stolen login credentials

image from Europol

As you can see from the image above this was a worldwide effort, including the National Crime Agency and Europol, to close the doors on RaidForums, a resource that cyber criminals used to buy and sell stolen information. Unusually this site was on the internet – you and I could …

Ronin Network bailed out – FOLLOW UP

Last month we covered the $625m theft from Ronin, using a web3/smart contract, exploit against the decentralised finance service (DeFi). Now the company (and it’s clients) have been bailed out by cash investment by cryptocurrency giant Binance. Ronin Network bailed out by crypto giant Binance after hack – BBC News