Now bad reviews are becoming a cyber criminal’s choice of attack UPDATED 20 July 2022

Update 20 July 2022 – Amazon is taking positive action against fake reviews I am sure you check the reviews on Amazon products before you buy, I know I do, and it has influenced my buying decisions more than once. So it is obviously important that these can be relied …

More crypto-currency stolen!

Big numbers – lots of money – so a prime target for threat actors: Thieves pilfer $100m-plus in cryptocurrency from • The Register It is not the blockchain that is compromised – it is the handling processes that are vulnerable.

Another phishing gang broken up by international co-operation – but there will still be more phishing attacks…

Working together is one of the best ways to beat the threat actors. Europol has had another success in closing down a phishing gang, arresting suspects and seizing assets: Phishing gang behind several million euros worth of losses busted in Belgium and the Netherlands | Europol ( Phishing and social …

I had to run this one at a weekend – a ransomware gang that demands good deeds not cryptocurrency – have a read

This is not a joke – it is not April 1. The GoodWill ransomware group, demands such good deeds as donating blankets to people on the street or taking disserving children to fast food restaurants as a treat! To prove the victims have carried out their good deeds they must …

Remember “Scammers are always out there looking for their next victim”


This is a constant problem – scammers contacting people, usually by phone, offering a service or stating that the victim’s computer is infected by a virus, often claiming to be from Microsoft. Once the scammer establishes “trust” they then offer to remote into or screen share to the victim’s computer, …