Roaming Mantis targets both Android and Apple iOS. But there are more malicious apps out there than you probably realise…

apple iphone and google android phones

The threat actor Roaming Mantis has been detected since February, targeting victims across Europe and the Far East. Their attacks are based around phishing text messages, Android users are directed to download a malicious app, whilst Apple users (as the Apple “walled garden” Apps store does an effective job of …

OpenDocument files distributing stealth malware – make sure your team can recognise these types of attack.

This report is from HP’s Threat Research Blog and is about a threat discovered impacting hotels in South America. But it illustrates the wide range of threats that can get to you via an email attachment and has some examples you can look at. Stealthy OpenDocument Malware Deployed Against Latin …

I have told everyone to use MFA so I do not need to think about more cyber security! UPDATED 14 July 2022

MFA multi-factor authentication diagram

This post was original published on 27 June 2022 Update 14 July 2022 Here is an article from the Microsoft Threat Intelligence Center (MSTIC) and the Microsoft 365 Defender Research Team outlining how the big phishing campaigns backed by experienced and skilled hackers can bypass the security of multi-factor authentication: …

More and more phishing attacks – each with their own special touch to exploit the trust of your people!

phishing email threat

A UK Government’s report looking at cybersecurity breaches across the country, (UK Government. 2022), prepared by Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport (and sport!) showed clearly email phishing is a real threat: “Of the 39% of UK businesses who identified an attack, the most common threat vector was phishing …

Malware targets cryptocurrency wallets and browsers

Social Engineering and Email Cyber Security Training

The PennyWise malware is masquerading as crypto-coin mining software and being advertised in a variety of YouTube videos – showing that any communications method can be exploited for phishing attacks. PennyWise malware on YouTube targets cryptocurrency wallets and browsers | TechRepublic To help build confidence in the product, the threat …